Logikit CMOS 4 Electronic Keyer
Logikit CMOS 4 Keyer – fully assembled and tested! The small size of this keyer make it the perfect match for the new generation of small transceivers.

Logikey K-5 Electronic Keyer
Logikey K-5 Morse Code Memory Keyer specifications and ordering information. Linear speed control: 5 to 60 WPM, speed range can be easily customized. Adjustable

RotorCard SDX – Yaesu SDX Series Rotors
RotorCard Yaesu SDX – Inexpensive RS-232 rotor control for Yaesu SDX Series Rotors (G-800SDX, G-1000SDX, G-2700SDX, G-2800SDX). RotorCard mounts inside your SDX box.

Rotor-EZ for Hy-Gain Rotator Control
Rotor-EZ for Hy-Gain Rotator/Rotor Controllers by Ham Supply/Idiom Press. Point and shoot capability. Kit or assembled/tested, with or without computer RS-232.

RotorCard DXA – Yaesu DXA and DXC Series Rotors
RotorCard Yaesu DXA/DXC – Inexpensive RS-232 Rotor Control for Yaesu DXA and DXC Series Rotors (G-800DXA, G-1000DXA, G-2800DXA, G-800DXC, G-1000DXC, G-2800DXC).

Rotator Controllers/Enhancements
Ham Supply / Idiom Press rotor control with or without RS-232 for Yaesu DXA, DXC, SDX, Hy-Gain CDE Ham M, II, III, IV and Tailtwister Rotors.

Super CMOS 3 Partial Keyer Kit
All the features of the K-5 are also offered as a partial kit, the Super CMOS III Keyer. All features of the K-5 are included, except for the capability of

Rotor-EZ Turning Range Fix
Rotor-EZ. Computer Control Works, Point-and-Shoot Doesn’t. We’ve had a few cases where it is impossible to get the rotator to turn as far south at either end

The Perfect Keyer
The Perfect Keyer. It would be extremely easy to send perfect Morse code with intuitive, super friendly timing characteristics – perfectly mated to the paddle..

Rotor-EZ Troubleshooting Information
Rotor-EZ Trouble Shooting. SERIAL CONTROL (HyGain DCU-1). Verify FLOW CONTROL IS NONE (H/W flow will cause it to fail). For 9-pin connector bug from where