Logikit CMOS 4 Electronic Keyer
Logikit CMOS 4 Keyer – fully assembled and tested! The small size of this keyer make it the perfect match for the new generation of small transceivers.

Logikey K-5 Electronic Keyer
Logikey K-5 Morse Code Memory Keyer specifications and ordering information. Linear speed control: 5 to 60 WPM, speed range can be easily customized. Adjustable

Super CMOS 3 Partial Keyer Kit
All the features of the K-5 are also offered as a partial kit, the Super CMOS III Keyer. All features of the K-5 are included, except for the capability of

The Perfect Keyer
The Perfect Keyer. It would be extremely easy to send perfect Morse code with intuitive, super friendly timing characteristics – perfectly mated to the paddle..