Yaesu 6 Pin Rotator Plug
This is the correct 6 pin connector for Yaesu G-450XL, G-800S, G-800SDX, G-1000SDX, G-2700SDX and G-2800SDX antenna rotators. S8100321. Connects to rotator.

Yaesu 7 Pin Rotator Plug
the correct 7 pin connector for Yaesu G-450, G-550, G-650, G-800DXA, G-1000DXA, G-2700DXA, G-2800DXA and G-5500 antenna rotators.

Yaesu SCU-27 Rotator Control Cable
Did you know you all you need to control your Yaesu G-800/1000/2800 (DXA or DXC) rotator from your Yaesu FT-950, FT-2000, FT-2000D, FTDX-1200, FTDX-3000 or FTDX-5000

RotorCard SDX – Yaesu SDX Series Rotors
RotorCard Yaesu SDX – Inexpensive RS-232 rotor control for Yaesu SDX Series Rotors (G-800SDX, G-1000SDX, G-2700SDX, G-2800SDX). RotorCard mounts inside your SDX box.

Rotator Illuminator
The Hy-Gain Rotator Illuminator kit by Ham Supply/Idiom Press is a three-LED replacement circuit for the incandescent lamp in Hy-Gain/CDE control boxes.

Rotor-EZ for Hy-Gain Rotator Control
Rotor-EZ for Hy-Gain Rotator/Rotor Controllers by Ham Supply/Idiom Press. Point and shoot capability. Kit or assembled/tested, with or without computer RS-232.

RotorCard DXA – Yaesu DXA and DXC Series Rotors
RotorCard Yaesu DXA/DXC – Inexpensive RS-232 Rotor Control for Yaesu DXA and DXC Series Rotors (G-800DXA, G-1000DXA, G-2800DXA, G-800DXC, G-1000DXC, G-2800DXC).

Hy-Gain Illuminator (New Style) Meter
Installing the Ham Supply/Idiom Press Hy-Gain Illuminator meter LED’s in the new style (LED’s built into meter) Hy-Gain rotator control boxes.

Rotator Controllers/Enhancements
Ham Supply / Idiom Press rotor control with or without RS-232 for Yaesu DXA, DXC, SDX, Hy-Gain CDE Ham M, II, III, IV and Tailtwister Rotors.

Rotor-EZ Turning Range Fix
Rotor-EZ. Computer Control Works, Point-and-Shoot Doesn’t. We’ve had a few cases where it is impossible to get the rotator to turn as far south at either end